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4th Annual APS Masquerade Gala

Attended by Aurora’s Who’s Who, this historically sold-out Gala is filled with entertainment, delicious food, craft cocktails, great music, and a bit of masquerade drama. We have several ways your company can get involved and be honored throughout the evening. 


Visionary Sponsor

Sponsors Instruction for 100 students
$ 10,000
  • Recognition on Gala materials, website, and media mentions
  • Logo displayed at event
  • 1/2 page ad in program
  • Emcee recognition
  • 10 Gala tickets

Presenting Sponsor

One Available. Sponsors 150 students through an entire course
$ 15,000
  • Recognition as Presenting Sponsor on Gala materials, website, and media mentions
  • Logo prominantly displayed at event
  • Full page ad in program
  • Emcee recognition
  • 10 Gala tickets

Innovator Sponsor

Sponsors 50 students through an entire course
$ 5,000
  • Create a signature cocktail for the Gala!
  • Recognition on Gala materials, website, and media mentions
  • Logo displayed at Gala
  • 1/2 page ad in program
  • Emcee recognition
  • 10 Gala tickets

Sweet Treats Sponsor

Sponsors 10 students through an entire course
$ 1,000
  • Recognition on website
  • Logo displayed at event
  • Emcee recognition
  • 2 Gala tickets

Table Sponsor

Sponsors 25 students through an entire course
$ 2,500
  • Recognition on website and media mentions
  • Logo displayed at event
  • 1/3 page ad in program
  • Emcee recognition
  • 10 Gala tickets

Friends of APS

Sponsors 5 students through an entire course
$ 500
  • Recognition on website
  • Logo displayed at event
  • Emcee recognition